MediaPipe SelfieSegmentation

MediaPipe SelfieSegmentation-MediaPipe wraps the MediaPipe JS Solution within the familiar TFJS API

Two variants of the model are offered.

  • general - implementation operates on a 256x256x3 tensor, and outputs a 256x256x1 tensor representing the segmentation mask
  • landscape - similar to the general model, but operates on a 144x256x3 tensor. It has fewer FLOPs than the general model, and therefore, runs faster.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage


To use MediaPipe SelfieSegmentation:

Via script tags:

<!-- Require the peer dependencies. -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- You must explicitly require a TF.js backend if you're not using the TF.js union bundle. -->
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

Via npm:

yarn add @mediapipe/selfie_segmentation
yarn add @tensorflow/tfjs-core, @tensorflow/tfjs-backend-webgl
yarn add @tensorflow-models/body-segmentation


If you are using the Body Segmentation API via npm, you need to import the libraries first.

Import the libraries

import * as bodySegmentation from '@tensorflow-models/body-segmentation';
import '@tensorflow/tfjs-core';
// Register WebGL backend.
import '@tensorflow/tfjs-backend-webgl';
import '@mediapipe/selfie_segmentation';

Create a detector

Pass in bodySegmentation.SupportedModels.MediaPipeSelfieSegmentation from the bodySegmentation.SupportedModel enum list along with a segmenterConfig to the createSegmenter method to load and initialize the model.

segmenterConfig is an object that defines MediaPipeSelfieSegmentation specific configurations for MediaPipeSelfieSegmentationMediaPipeModelConfig:

  • runtime: Must set to be ‘mediapipe’.

  • modelType: specify which variant to load from MediaPipeSelfieSegmentationModelType (i.e., ‘general’, ‘landscape’). If unset, the default is ‘general’.

  • solutionPath: The path to where the wasm binary and model files are located.

const model = bodySegmentation.SupportedModels.MediaPipeSelfieSegmentation;
const segmenterConfig = {
  runtime: 'mediapipe',
  solutionPath: ''
                // or 'base/node_modules/@mediapipe/selfie_segmentation' in npm.
segmenter = await bodySegmentation.createSegmenter(model, segmenterConfig);

Run inference

Now you can use the segmenter to segment people. The segmentPeople method accepts both image and video in many formats, including: HTMLVideoElement, HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, ImageData, Tensor3D. If you want more options, you can pass in a second segmentationConfig parameter.

segmentationConfig is an object that defines MediaPipeSelfieSegmentation specific configurations for MediaPipeSelfieSegmentationMediaPipeSegmentationConfig:

  • flipHorizontal: Optional. Defaults to false. When image data comes from camera, the result has to flip horizontally.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to run the model inference:

const segmentationConfig = {flipHorizontal: false};
const people = await segmenter.segmentPeople(image, segmentationConfig);

The returned people array contains a single element only, where all the people segmented in the image are found in that single segmentation element.

The only label returned by the maskValueToLabel function is ‘person’.

Please refer to the Body Segmentation API README about the structure of the returned people array.