
The purpose of detection is to locate objects in a frame; but there is no association of objects from one frame to the next. To understand whether object k in frame t corresponds to a detected object in frame t-1, we must employ a tracker.

Why would we want a tracker? Well, in a multi-person detection setting, it is often useful to keep track of who is who. Imagine an application where two people are competing in a live jumping jack competition. Simply detecting both individuals in each frame is not sufficient for the application, since we must maintain the identity of each detection and accumulate state (in this case the number of jumping jacks).

A tracker is an algorithm that (typically) runs downstream of detection. The tracker maintains a history of objects (i.e. tracks), and its objective is to link incoming detections with these tracks (and spawn new tracks or kill old ones).

To adequately match incoming detections with preexisting tracks, we must have a measure that scores the similarity:

Once we have a 2d matrix that contains pairwise scores from all detections in the current frame against all stored tracks in the tracker, we can solve an optimization procedure (a matching algorithm) to associate specific detections with specific tracks.

When the input detections are bounding boxes, a simple (and effective) choice for a similarity measure is intersection-over-union (IoU). If the detections contain keypoints, one can use Object Keypoint Similarity to score the similarity of one pose to another.

The following figure shows an example of linking detections (solid boundaries) with preexisting tracks (dotted boundaries).


Note that one detection is successfully linked with a track, while the other is not linked, due to a very low IoU. In this case, a new track is created for the unmatched detection. The track that was not linked stays in storage, but has the potential to be deleted in the future if no detections are associated with it.

To build your own tracker, subclass Tracker in tracker.ts. To see other implemented trackers, check out keypoint_tracker.ts and bounding_box_tracker.ts.

Learn more about how to configure a tracker in config_interfaces.ts.