
Try our demos and get inspired with what you can do with depth-estimation models!

Table of Contents

  1. 3D Photo Demo

  2. Relighting Demo

  3. Depth Map Demo

  4. How to Run a Demo

3D Photo Demo

This demo allows to upload a portrait image, which is turned into a 3D photo animation. It works on laptops, iPhones and android phones.


Relighting Demo

This demo uses your camera to get live stream and allows you to place a light source or point lights to change the lighting of the scene. It works on laptops, iPhones and android phones.


Depth Map Demo

This demo uses your camera to get live stream and visualizes the depth in real-time. It works on laptops, iPhones and android phones.


How to Run a Demo

If you want to try any of the demos, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the demo folder, e.g. cd live_video

  2. Host the folder contents online

  3. Access the index.html page