AR Portrait Depth

This portrait depth model estimates per-pixel depth (the distance to the camera center) for a single portrait image, which can be further used for creative applications. (See DepthLab for potential applications). Note that the model runs locally on the user’s device and no data is uploaded to the server.

For example, the following demo transforms a single 2D RGB image into a 3D Portrait: 3D Photo Demo.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage


To use ARPortraitDepth:

Via script tags:

<!-- Require the peer dependencies of depth-estimation. -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- You must explicitly require a TF.js backend if you're not using the TF.js union bundle. -->
<!-- WebGL is the recommended backend. -->
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Via npm:

yarn add @tensorflow/tfjs-core, @tensorflow/tfjs-converter
yarn add @tensorflow/tfjs-backend-webgl
yarn add @tensorflow-models/body-segmentation
yarn add @tensorflow-models/depth-estimation


If you are using the depth-estimation API via npm, you need to import the libraries first.

Import the libraries

import '@tensorflow/tfjs-core';
import '@tensorflow/tfjs-converter';
// Register WebGL backend.
import '@tensorflow/tfjs-backend-webgl';
import '@tensorflow-models/body-segmentation';
import * as depthEstimation from '@tensorflow-models/depth-estimation';

Create an estimator

Pass in depthEstimation.SupportedModels.ARPortraitDepth from the depthEstimation.SupportedModel enum list along with an estimatorConfig to the createEstimator method to load and initialize the model.

estimatorConfig is an object that defines ARPortraitDepth specific configurations for ARPortraitDepthModelConfig:

  • segmentationModelUrl: An optional string that specifies custom url of the segmenter model. This is useful for area/countries that don’t have access to the model hosted on tf.hub. It also accepts io.IOHandler which can be used with tfjs-react-native to load model from app bundle directory using [bundleResourceIO](

  • depthModelUrl: An optional string that specifies custom url of the estimator model. This is useful for area/countries that don’t have access to the model hosted on tf.hub. It also accepts io.IOHandler which can be used with tfjs-react-native to load model from app bundle directory using [bundleResourceIO](

const model = depthEstimation.SupportedModels.ARPortraitDepth;
const estimatorConfig = {
  outputDepthRange: [0, 1]
estimator = await depthEstimation.createEstimator(model, estimatorConfig);

Run inference

Now you can use the estimator to estimate the depth. The estimateDepth method accepts both image and video in many formats, including: HTMLVideoElement, HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement. If you want more options, you can pass in a second estimationConfig parameter.

estimationConfig is an object that defines ARPortraitDepth specific configurations for ARPortraitDepthEstimationConfig:

  • minDepth: The minimum depth value for the model to map to 0. Any smaller depth values will also get mapped to 0.

  • maxDepth: The maximum depth value for the model to map to 1. Any larger depth values will also get mapped to 1.

  • flipHorizontal: Optional. Defaults to false. When image data comes from camera, the result has to flip horizontally.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to run the model inference:

const estimationConfig = {flipHorizontal: false};
const depthMap = await estimator.estimateDepth(image, estimationConfig);

Please refer to the Depth Estimation API README about the structure of the returned depthMap.